OpenCDMS API ============ The API within OpenCDMS is built using `pygeoapi `_ and exposes the following APIs. - `OGC API - Features `_ - `OGC API - Records `_ - `OGC API - Processes `_ This section describes the OGC-API processes that have been developed and implemented as part of OpenCDMS. The Features and Records are defined under the database section. OGC API - Processes ------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Contents: automated_quality_control/index encode_daycli/index Cookie cutter ------------- To help generate new OGC-API Process plugins a Python package template has been created for use with the Python `cookiecutter `_ module. The module can be installed using the command: .. code:: `pip3 install cookiecutter`. Once installed the cookiecutter can be used with: .. code:: cookiecutter gh:opencdms/pygeoapi-process-cookiecutter The following prompt will be displayed: .. code:: author [Name of author]: email [Author email address]: maintainer [Name of maintainer]: maintainer_email [Maintainer email address]: package_url [Package homepage]: package_name [Name of python package to create, e.g. import {package_name}]: process_id [ID for process, e.g. /processes/{process_id}]: process_class_name [Name of process class, {package_name}.{process_name}]: process_description [Short description of process]: keywords []: license [APL2]: Following entry of the requested information this will create a python package for an empty pygeoapi process plugin. The plugin can be installed via the normal route for a Python package, e.g. using `pip3 install ` for packages published via PyPI or `python3 install`.